Lithium Nevada Corporation plans to begin construction activities on the proposed Thacker Pass open pit lithium mine soon.

These activities will include surface disturbance, mechanized trench excavation, and removal of wildlife habitat. These activities will also destroy land sacred to the Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribe and many other tribes, will disturb important native cultural sites, and will kill ceremonial plants and medicine without Fort McDermitt and other tribes’ consent.

Lithium Nevada and BLM are relying on a new historical/cultural resources plan without meaningfully consulting native people or disclosing the plan to the public. In solidarity with regional tribal members, Protect Thacker Pass is working to stop Lithium Nevada and BLM from destroying this sacred place. 

Great Basin Resource Watch, along with 3 other environmental organizations, filed a lawsuit against BLM for permitting the Thacker Pass project in February. Shortly thereafter, Lithium Nevada successfully petitioned the court to intervene in the case. After GBRW and its allies learned from Lithium Nevada that the corporation intends to begin construction activities on June 23, the groups filed for a temporary court order called a “preliminary injunction” to stop construction. Preliminary injunctions are difficult to obtain. Courts do not like to grant them.

We cannot leave the protection of sacred land and indigenous cultural sites to the courts. If we’re going to stop this desecration, we need people to join us at camp. Contact us about coming to join us here!