Native elders and supporters continue to defend the land and protect the water this morning at Thacker Pass / Peehee Mu’huh.
You can find livestreams and videos from today’s action:
Bethany Sam‘s Facebook page:
Last Real Indians Facebook page:
Lakota People’s Law Project Facebook page:
Our Facebook page:
We will continue to post photos from the action to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Yesterday, elders put out a call for help to defend the land. They can use all the support they can get. If you’d like to join and help defend the land and protect the water and need more information, please reach out via one of the channels above or through our Contact Us page.

I pledge allegiance to this land
Of the North American Continent.
And to the Redman for which I stand
One Nation under Our Creator,
Unbroken, with Great Respect
And Freedom for ALL the Living & Non
Josh Thomas 2015