The Bureau of Land Management plans to begin destroying the sacred land and critical wildlife habitat of Thacker Pass very soon. They are planning to send “professional archeologists” into Thacker Pass very soon to conduct government-sanctioned looting.
Native people are against this. The National Congress of American Indians has spoken out, as has the Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada and the Nevada Statewide Native American Caucus.
To save Thacker Pass (known as Peehee Mu’huh in the Paiute language) from desecration, we need the Bureau of Land Management to cancel their planned archeological dig, promise to engage in real consultation with affected tribes under NAGPRA, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, and ultimately cancel the project permits. This is a step on the road to protecting Thacker Pass.
There are voices on the wind at Peehee Mu’huh; the voices of the ancestors who were killed here, telling old truths so that we, the living, can save this remarkable place. This is how we honor their lives: by protecting the land on which they lived and died, by uncovering stories that must not be buried in the rubble of open-pit mines.
CALL AND WRITE to everyone below to let them know our demands. Your efforts do make a difference!
- Consultation with tribes was “fast-tracked” during the worst days of the pandemic.
- Because of this, BLM failed to find easily available documentation that there was a massacre in Thacker Pass. None of the government documents (EIS, Cultural Resource Inventory, HPTP, etc.) produced by BLM and Lithium Nevada have addressed the September 12, 1865 massacre, which is important part of U.S. American History that qualifies for the National Register of Historic Places. This is blatant negligence.
- This massacre is like a Paiute “Pearl Harbor.” It was a surprise attack on peaceful Paiutes and at least 31 were murdered.
- Now that BLM has been presented with the proof of this massacre and proof that there are likely human remains in the project area, BLM is trying to sweep this under the rug and won’t consult with the lineal descendants of those massacred.
- The Biden Administration and the BLM have a legal and moral obligation to halt the Thacker Pass mine and conduct proper consultation under the Native American Graves Protect and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA).
If you represent an organization, Tribal Government, or are otherwise influential, please use that leverage to pressure these agencies by sharing this message on your platforms, sending official letters, requesting meetings, and coordinating with us.
PHONE NUMBERS – leave a message if you don’t get through
- Deb Haaland, Secretary of the Interior — 202-208-3100, x3 for Sec Haaland (leave a message or talk to her assistant).
- Nada Wolff Culver, Acting BLM Director — 202-208-3801 (main office in Grand Junction)
- Jon Raby, BLM Nevada State Director — 775-861-6400 (ask to be connected or leave message with assistant)
- U.S. Advisory Council on Historic Preservation — 202-517-0209 (contact for Nevada: Bill Marzella)
- U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs — 202-208-5116 (x5 for directors office)
- Fort McDermitt Paiute-Shoshone Tribal Council — 702-532-8259
- U.S. Senator Jackie Rosen — 202-224-6244
- Kathleen Rehberg, BLM Field Manager, Humboldt River Field Office — 775-623-1739
- Mark Hall, BLM Archeologist for the Thacker Pass lithium mine — 775-623-1500 (ask to speak to Mark Hall)
- Ken Loda, BLM Project Lead for the Thacker Pass lithium mine — 775-623-1500 (ask to speak to Ken Loda)
- Ester McCullough, BLM Winnemucca District Manager — 775-623-1500 (ask to speak to Ester McCullough).
deb_haaland@ios.doi.gov, sfoss@blm.gov, BLM_NV_NVSO_web_mail@blm.gov, achp@achp.gov, Mvandervoort@blm.gov, shpo-info@shpo.nv.gov, rlpalmer@shpo.nv.gov, kdedufour@shpo.nv.gov, srubinson@shpo.nv.gov, awiley@shpo.nv.gov, shana.johnson@shpo.nv.gov, consultation@bia.gov, newsmedia@bia.gov, wfoweb@blm.gov, nculver@blm.gov, BLM_Press@blm.gov, Interior_Press@ios.doi.gov, krehberg@blm.gov, mhall@blm.gov, kloda@blm.gov, rnelson@achp.gov, jloichinger@achp.gov, bmarzella@achp.gov, wdancingfeather@achp.gov
@BLMNV, @BLMnational, @SecDebHaaland, @Interior, @AmbassadorRice, @SenJackyRosen
ambsusanrice, secdebhaaland, blm_nevada, #bureauofindianaffairs, senjackyrosen

I will spread the word and call every number on this list to do what I can to help this cause. The voice of the Native Americans must be heard!!
BLM has become a synonym for destruction of Native Land and Wildlife in the Americas. They seem to be everywhere including rounding up of wild mustangs and burros by helicopters, traumatizing them into pens and selling them cheaply for meat so the ranchers can graze their cattle on public lands so they can call them “free grazed cattle” and slaughter them for food!!! What kind of work is this on behalf of our citizens? Sec Deb Haaland has not stood by the People.
When I called the first two numbers on the list, I was told the line had been disconnected?
I am grateful for this
Thank you! We double checked them all yesterday… will again!
First one still worked for me (Dept of Interior, Sec Deb Haaland, extension 3)
Second one also still worked for me (Nada Wolff Culver, Acting BLM Director)