by Protect Thacker Pass | Jul 14, 2021 | Resistance Updates
This episode of Muse Ecology is a terrific podcast with interviews with supporters of Protect Thacker Pass. In this episode in the Water, Life, Climate, and Civilization series, we hear diverse voices from the resistance to the proposed lithium mine at Thacker Pass in...
by Protect Thacker Pass | Jul 13, 2021 | Resistance Updates
The National Congress of American Indians Resolution #AK-21-027 The resolution “Supporting the Protection of Northern Paiute and Western Shoshone Ancestors and Cultural Lands at the Thacker Pass in Nevada and Protection of Eagles by Limiting Take Permits”...
by Protect Thacker Pass | Jul 12, 2021 | Art, Resistance Updates
Like the US, the EU is in a mad rush to replace gas-powered vehicles with EVs. The EU currently imports most of its lithium from Chile, the US and Russia, but like the US wants to develop its own supply chain so it’s less dependent on imports. As a result there...
by Protect Thacker Pass | Jul 9, 2021 | Reflection
By Justin McAffee for the Sierra Nevada Ally, July 9, 2021 What if I told you that Glenn Miller’s opinion piece about the Thacker Pass lithium project was a form of climate change denialism? He argues that lithium is necessary to convert our automobile transportation...
by Protect Thacker Pass | Jul 7, 2021 | Reflection
In his recent opinion piece, “Thacker Pass Lithium Mine is Important for Limiting Global Warming,” Glenn Miller makes the same fundamental error so many others do these days: believing that climate change is the main crisis, rather than a symptom of the real crisis we...
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