by Will Falk | Sep 2, 2021 | Reflection
Lithium Nevada and supporters of the proposed Thacker Pass lithium mine project love to claim that the mine will bring jobs to the area. This may be true. But, even if it is true, the mine will also bring more air, water, and soil pollution. The mine will also lead to...
by Will Falk | Aug 29, 2021 | Reflection
As I come down from the stress and anxiety of preparing for Friday’s oral arguments in the Thacker Pass case, I’ve been thinking about what I’ve learned since Max Wilbert and I set up our little two-person tent back on January 15 to protest the...
by Will Falk | May 28, 2021 | Project updates, Resistance Updates
Lithium Nevada Corporation plans to begin construction activities on the proposed Thacker Pass open pit lithium mine soon. These activities will include surface disturbance, mechanized trench excavation, and removal of wildlife habitat. These activities will also...
by Will Falk | May 22, 2021 | Resistance Updates
Before the public information meeting with the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (Orovada Community Center, Tuesday, May 25 at 6 PM) about the permits Lithium Nevada still needs, I wanted to ask: Why should we trust NDEP to protect water, air, and land?...
by Will Falk | May 21, 2021 | Resistance Updates
Aimee Keys (Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Mining and Reclamation Chief) has said NDEP expects to grant Lithium Nevada’s water permit with a stipulation about mining below the water table. So NDEP is planning on issuing the permit before...
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