Hard as a Rock

Hard as a Rock

Hard as a Rock I did not know who to beuntil I took the weightof a place on my shoulders. I wasn’t a camel,but I bowed downto take mountains upon mountains,eagles, eggs, and nests,streams, cutthroat trout,sagebrush and sage grouse,jack rabbits, rattle snakes,and shy...
The Great Washing

The Great Washing

Fossil fuel companies learned a long time ago tactics to reframe what they do to the communities and ecosystems their projects impact. Since 1992—the year of the first United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change—these companies have perfected greenwashing...
Not In My Back Yard

Not In My Back Yard

Protect Thacker Pass is sometimes criticized as a Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY) campaign. This video discusses this criticism. First, Thacker Pass isn’t just greater sage grouses’, golden eagles’, pronghorn antelopes’, and lahontan cutthroat...