Ice reclaims the land

Ice reclaims the land

Dawn breaks over the small creek The night’s hard ice sparkles on every stone Light floods the land Fifty pronghorn crest the low rise to the east Making their seasonal migration The sun sweeps a wide, low arc across the firmament The cold stillness so crisp and...
As Tradition Goes Up in Smoke

As Tradition Goes Up in Smoke

As Tradition Goes Up in Smoke by Will Falk When the frost of ancestral protection vanishes with rising temperatures and minds grow soft with amnesia, they come in heavy trucks to mine memories and steal stories. Glaciers remain, for now, wavering, with teardrops...
The Stars at Thacker Pass

The Stars at Thacker Pass

Looking for a god? the stars in Peehee mu’huh ask why not us? We’re always there whether you see us or not We’re infinite the sleepless can tell you We do not rule by force but through the charisma in freely offered splendor Instead of ten, we have...
At Thacker Pass

At Thacker Pass

At Thacker Pass, by Rob Lewis Tilting sea of sagebrush, ancient fragrance rising. Circular distances weaving baskets of stone, time, silence. The windmind where you wandered before your name before the dials and settings of Progress closed and ordered your gates. *...
In the Desert

In the Desert

In The Desert (by Alex Eisenberg) The earth returns slowly to life Deathly flowers now burst between bare rocks irrepressible just emerged from the long winter a spectacle of color mountains in all directions mineral-streaked a vivid orange fungi bird nests on wild...